Tuesday 27 June 2006

Where to start?

Well I guess starting at the begining, or what may simply be a point in time where we choose to start our story. I've had this blogger account for about 2 weeks now, mentally working on the opening pitch, so to speak. A friend yesterday reaffirmed a position / thought of mine about writing things like essays, which can easily be transferred to blogs too, that for most of us we need to find that zone, where writing just flows. Sometimes finding, the zone, is equal to being forced by some deadline or purpose.

So our story begins with me wanting to learn how to write prolifically. As I start my PhD, I'm reminded about how labourious writing up my MSc and subsequent papers was, especially in terms of finding a zone. The idea was that I now find a ways to switch a mobile writing zone on, before thousands of data points and statistics spin Terrifirma into a writing wobble.

I got thinking about how to, everyday, make some contribution, document some finding, about what I had learned or discovered that day and keep it somewhere as a log of my entire PhD. Then writing up is merely a case of assimilating those daily writings and Bob's Your Uncle or something like that. Well at least I hope so.

Can you see now where this is going?

Having had some intimate exposure to let's call it web presence, in an old life, a personalised blog seemed the way to go. And this is only the start. I have a few big ideas of what I want to address each day in this process, but there's room for organic unplanned growth. Stick with me and let's see how this pans out.

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